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This website will shed light on one of the distinct American Nations, “Yankeedom”. Historic learnings from Yankeedom can be glanced into post 1865.

                                                           What is Yankeedom?


Yankeedom stretches through northeast of United States which comprises northern part of New York, including but not limited to Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan. It is more of a culture that is embedded with values that work around the greater good and benefit of community and society. (Mekouar, 2015).To understand more about Yankeedom and how it fostered certain values and why, it is important to delve into factors such as its history and origin to see most obvious instances of such values. Thus, this work explores four of the most prominent events in Yankeedom’s history that also reflect essential traits of Yankeedom itself.


(Ilgunas, 2019)

The Four Prominent Events


The New Deal (1933)

An economic event in Yankeedom history marking a series of economic programs and policies with multi-pronged success.


Women Strike for Equality (1970)

An important social event attempting to improve social outcomes for women and remembering the constitutional amendment granting women the power constitutionally and legally to vote.


The Love Canal Disaster (1979)

An environmentally damaging event that had far-reaching implications for Yankeedom.


Hurricane Sandy (2012)

A natural disaster that impacted North-Eastern (NE) U.S. and beyond deeply. This event happened to be one of the costliest natural disasters affecting NE U.S.

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