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The Women Strike For Equality

An equal mirror into the values of Yankeedom is another event that helps glance into Yankeedom’s strong foundation. It is not surprising at all that the foundation that holds Yankeedom: those who founded Yankeedom were adamant on making it an area guided by reform and good. Social reform and justice is a large part of Yankeedom’s history and there are several different events to prove so. As part of the values and the culture that Yankeedom fostered, there were specific policies, programs and events that made prominent what they stood for. These included the overarching idea that Yankeedom stood for making the world a place that was more “godly” and essentially perfect by virtue of state and institutions. This value was embedded in Yankeedom and its society since the start as it was founded with the intention of making it a “religious utopia” by Calvinists radical in nature. (Kiersz & Ward, 2020) Following these strongly embedded values, the event of “Women Strike for Equality” was a prominent event in the northeast in New York City. This shows how seriously Yankees considered rights of women and rights of all. The event took place in August of 1970 and involved a march being led along Fifth Avenue in New York encompassing fifty thousand females calling to action rights for them. This is a large number in terms of turnout which speaks for the strength it holds. The event came in time on the 50th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment in the Constitution in the US which provided women with the right to vote. (Cohen, 2015) This has positive implications for all of Northeast given that this notion encouraged discourse around women empowerment and feminism. It is also a prominent event that is indicative of values that Yankeedom as a culture is known for.


(Kiersz & Ward, 2020)

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