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Hurricane Sandy


Consistent with social responsibility is the response to one of the most significant natural disasters to date that have affected the Yankeedom region and marked a spot in its history. Another of the salient events that occurred and impacted beyond the northeast region was Hurricane Sandy. The Hurricane itself progressed severely all the way from the Caribbean to the eastern side of the United States and caused several deaths and damages. It is also known to be one of the most expensive and costly storms to have occurred in the United States in terms of the monetary damage it caused. The impacts particularly in New York and New Jersey (the coasts of these Yankeedom regions) were severe demonstrating massive disruption. In the United States alone there were 150 human lives lost as a result. (Gibbens, 2019) This Northeast Hurricane had far-reaching impacts on coastal settlements, infrastructure, markets including those of petroleum, trade etc. and thus received strong attention from governments and institutions. (U.S. Department of Energy, 2013) Given the massive amount of destruction caused, it warranted emergency relief work as well employing about $4.2 billion worth to cover housing, displacement, and rehabilitation. (NYC Government, n.d.)



(Gibbens, 2019)

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