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The Love Canal Disaster


It is equally important to list events in history that acted as changers and changing grounds for more events to follow. One of the largest and most significant environmental disasters also occupies a spot in Yankee history which shows how incredibly important social responsibility and environmental responsibility was to them. The event itself although a disaster called attention that was driven with seriousness, commitment, and responsible action. Events that impacted the northeast region of the United States particularly was the environmental disaster that took place in the Love Canal. The Love Canal was located on the eastern part of the Niagara Falls and shared the significance of fuel provision. With significant burden on the canal in the form of toxic waste disposal and reducing the canal to a dumpsite (Beck, 1979), the Love Canal environmental disaster is one of the prominent events impacting Yankeedom. The implications of the disaster are several as it draws attention to modern day potential for disasters in the form of environmental disasters and actions and events impacting human health. It is salient due to the facts of the damage it caused as well as how it set examples for how future measures must be taken. (Office of Public Health, 1978) To cover for the damage caused by the Love Canal Disaster, the Love Canal Superfund was established to reverse impacts of the environmental disaster. (Phillips, Hung, & Bosela, 2007) Although it is an event that significantly impacted the northeastern region of the United States, it set precedence for waste management and for attention to be paid through all of United States but also the rest of the world.



(Ripple, 2013)

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